Sunday, August 12, 2012

Teachers Pay Teachers Hat

What have I been doing this weekend? I have been making a few things to sell on my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

First I made this:

It follows my behavior system in the classroom.  I have a large one hanging on the wall.  This could be for individual use for a student that really needs help monitoring their behavior.

Then I made this:

A cute and simple sign for labeling where kids turn in their classwork.

I made some other stuff too, but I haven't uploaded it yet because TPT wont let you until their big weekend sale is over.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Girl Scout Mom Hat

Yesterday I wore my Girl Scout Mother Hat.

My daughter has been a Girl Scout for almost 8 years now.  She loves it and it has given her opportunities to things I only dreamed of as a kid.

This week we finished up on her "take action" project with her Girl Scout Friends.

We spent months planning a Carnival for some local migrant workers' children.

It originally was a 3 day thing at multiple sites.  But we were told that was to ambitious for our girls and backed it off two 1 day.

So yesterday we went and did the little carnival for about 30 kids.It was wonderful.  The weather was over 100 degrees, but we were in the shade and stayed hydrated.  Everyone had a great time!

Now the next step is their Silver Award.  My daughter has her project all planed and I am very proud of her and her decisions.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Crafty Hat

So yesturday I worked on my chair pockets.  I found the idea on Pinterest.

Here is my attempt.  I have made 9 so far. I used Tulip Spray Fabric Paint.  I got 2 bottles, but I don't think that is enough to finish the project.  My only fear, is that I will have chairs that wont work with these pockets.



Tuesday, August 7, 2012

R.A.F.T Hat

Today I went to one of my favorite teacher places of all time!

I had to stop myself from shopping around and buying stuff for my classroom that I don't have room for.

Instead I was focused and made my 32 copies of "My Spelling Dictionary" for my students.
It took me over an hour to bind them all.  But I think it will be worth in.  In the end between copies and paper They cost me over $70 to make.  I think next time I will research more on how to make the copies cheaper.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Reading Teacher Hat

I spent most of yesterday knee deep in Houghton Mifflin 2003 Reading California.

Why did I spend most of the day doing this? Because school is starting in 2 1/2 weeks and I don't have a set of teacher's manuals yet.  So I spent most of the day searching online for pacing guides, unit organizers, and supplemental materials.

I managed to find everything I needed to get my yearly pacing guide finished for ELA.  I just need to get my hot little hands on those teacher manuals to make sure that what I plan or doing is correct.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Avon Hat

Tonight I wear my Avon hat to tell you about some amazing Avon products that me and my family enjoy.

Advanced Techniques Frizz Control Lotus Shield Shampoo.  I love this stuff!  I have fine hair that is always frizzy.  Not with this stuff! My hair lays flat but still has life and body. I also use the Advanced Techniques Frizz Control Lotus Shield Conditioner.  They make a great couple.

Naturals Kids Body Wash & Bubble Bath. My kids love this stuff!  It is tear free so the don't have to worry about it stinging their eyes.  Plus all the different fruity scents make it more fun.  Even my 12 year old loves using this stuff.

Naturals Kids Shampoo & Conditioner in one.  My kids love this stuff too.  The favorite around here is the coconut.

Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus IR3535 SPF 30 Gentle Breeze Lotion.  This stiff has worked wonders for us all this summer.  Between YMCA summer camp, Girl Scout Camp, Boy Scout Camp, summer walks and outings we have been kept free of bug bites and sun burns.  I don't plan on using any other sunscreen ever!

You can find out more about these amazing Avon products and more at

Got nothing done hat

Yesterday I went to my classroom and I feel like I got nothing done.  But in all reality I did get somethings done.  Next week I will need to get in there and really knock everything out so I am done before August 17th our first teacher training day.

I got my new tables in the room.  I was really excited to walk in and see the desks gone and the tables right where I wanted them even.  So I spent several hours cleaning them and marking off the tables, placing the name tags and student numbers.

Then I went and finished this student work board I started.  I now has a tittle "Frogtastic Work" and clothes pins on each spot to easily hang student work.

I also got my behavior board ready with 30 little numbered froggies and my brownie points board ready with magnetic brownies. And I cleaned my white board.

But I couldnt help it that when I left it felt like I got nothing done.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cooking Hat

Yesterday & today I am wearing my cooking hat.  Since I will be working over an hour away from home and in the middle of a big city, I have to plan my lunches.

SO I am cooking as many as I can and freezing them.

Yesterday I made this.

I also made zucchini with tomato sauce. I don't have a photo of that.

Today I am making this.
Stuffed Breakfast Bubble Biscuits

 And some mini potatoes.